Monday, October 12, 2009

How it began

About 20 minutes ago Christine and I both realized that we fell behind on the book club reading of our fabulous and ambitious friend Jessica. Rather than feeling shame about our failings as book club members, we decided to celebrate our shortcomings, alongside our strengths. See, Christine is a princess and I am built like a Kenyan. At least we tell ourselves that. To believe in fiction is to find strength and beauty within oneself. Because isn't that what we try to get out of reading fiction anyway?

Maybe, maybe not. I could write a posting to go all deep and analytical on the subject, but then what kind of slacker would I be?

Currently reading The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb....and yeah it's taking awhile and I personally still have about 600 pages to go (it's long). Jessica has already finished reading it so she probably has more relevant thoughts on the book as a whole, so defer to her book club at the deep thoughts. This blog is really mostly a spinoff for us to go to in between chapters when we're writing about things like creating a blog about not reading, being a princess, and winning the Philadelphia Marathon with no training instead of actually reading the assigned book.

Happy slacking.....